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- 11. Posting in old topics - Posting in topics which last message was posted 2 months before isn't forbidden, but you should think twice before you revive that thread. You may only post in an old topic if you are going to contribute with a message that completely relates to the topic itself (eg.: I like Bloomix would be a pointless message). "Bumping" old fanart threads is allowed (see rule no. 5).
As you can see, it's not something we encourage and as for the "isn't forbidden" doesn't mean that it's "Not allowed" there are limits to bumping topics and I believe we discussed that already, more than once in fact.
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- 5. Double Posting - Please check to make sure that what you are writing about hasn't already been posted before. In case you forgot to add something to your post, there is an edit button for you to either update the post or delete it. Please use it instead of posting twice. This rule is an exception to fanart threads; you are allowed to "bump" your own topic 3 times, as long as there is a time span of 24 hours between the posts. You are also allowed to double post if you're adding new fanmade creations.
Double posting doesn't mean posting twice in a row. As you can see it also means that you aren't writing something that has already been written.
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- 1. Spamming - Repeated words/phrases in multiple threads/posts in a category or other categories is not permitted. Your post will be removed and you will be issued a warning. Having conversations in the forum topics is also frowned upon.
Bumping old topics is also considered as spam, especially when there's been a long period between the last post and the latest post. We definitely do not encourage that as it is wrong and only makes the forum messy.
Just in case you hadn't read the rules or forgot them, I have quoted rule 11 and 1 above and rule 5 for those who are curious as to what it is. There is an exception for fanart threads but other than that, rules are rules and apply to every other threads, sections, boards and sub-boards.
If a topic is older than a month AND inactive then it's known as an "old topic" which these two rules apply to. You cannot bump a frequent amount of old topics a day as we try to keep them clean. There are TONS (not even exaggerating right now) topics created by all of you in a day that you can post in but somehow you decide to post in old topics.
Bumping it means "reviving" it but use it wisely, if it happens too much we'll have no other choice but to lock the topic. When a topic becomes "old" yet people keep posting in it anyways even though the last post was months ago, that is considered spam which I stated above.
If you have any further questions or disagree with what I've said please be sure to inform me so I can reply to you.