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What makes a winx a winx? 33bzmae
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What makes a winx a winx? 33bzmae
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What makes a winx a winx? 29y2mzv

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What makes a winx a winx? Empty
PostSubject: What makes a winx a winx?   What makes a winx a winx? Eo1pl7YSat Dec 07, 2013 1:35 am

It seems like the important characteristics in a winx is a sweet personality and to be brave and determined in doing what's right. Obviously if you didn't have a sweet personality, the rest of the winx wouldn't wanna hang around to much. Also you need to be brave and determined during battles.

The season 3's ending credits song is actually called, if you're a winx.

If you're a Winx, there's a place for you,  Need a thousand friends, to share your dreams and fate,   If you're a Winx, you can never lose,  If you trust your heart, you will then, now fly so high,  In the sky, butterfly wings will carry you,  Amazing adventures wait for you...   Dreams beyond under illusions,  Still come true (still come true)  Secret roads to discover,  Ahead of you,  Like a giant wave you rode  In the hearts of those, who knew love!  If you're a Winx, you can be a star,  Some will guide your way, despite your blooming cloud,   If You're Winx like an ecstasy,  So it's gonna be, joy and hope you bring,  Incredible things you never seen,  Amazing sensations to relive,  With Winx!

I'm trying to see if the lyrics actually tell what makes a winx a winx. It seems like the lyrics are that if you're a winx, you're fellow winx friends would always have you're back. You also need to be confidant and being a winx is quite the adventure which never ends.
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